Lightbringers: Illuminating the Deeper Meaning of the Crime-solving Devil TV Show
Tracie and Emily are two sisters who really love the show Lucifer. We're rewatching the series two episodes at a time and taking the time to illuminate the deeper meaning of the crime-solving devil tv show. Yes, we are overthinking it.
WARNING: There are definitely spoilers. If you haven't watched the whole series (all 6 seasons), listen at your own risk!
Lightbringers: Illuminating the Deeper Meaning of the Crime-solving Devil TV Show
Lucifer 505 + 506 “Detective Amenadiel” & “Blue Ballz”
“Detective Amenadiel” and “Blue Ballz” are the only two episodes in this whole experiment that the sisters watched while in the same room, and they contain some of their most beloved and most reviled of the whole series.
In their meanderings, the Guy girls think about the metaphor of reflection as used both visually and rhetorically in “Detective Amenadiel.” They ruminate on the badassery of Maze bounty hunting the object of Linda’s angst and thereby come up with the premise for a new book series featuring Emily’s best friend Erika as a bounty-hunting priest. Tracie is also deeply bothered by the reverse engineering of the storytelling required to get Lucifer’s phone into Michael’s hands.
The sisters try to find universe-complilant justificaiton for how some people see proof of divinity and are driven to distraction by it while the villain in one of these episodes is repulsed. At the same time, Emily loses her ability to word when thinking about the sexiness of the final five minutes of “Bule Ballz” and also the inadequacy of Jed’s nose (it’s simply too small).
Originally published as a YouTube show with different theme music.
Our theme song is "Feral Angel Waltz" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
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Tracy and Emily are smart, lovable sisters who really love Lucifer for the plot yeah, the plot which they overthink.
Speaker 2:Hi, I'm here with my sister, emily Guy-Burken. She does not use a hyphen. And I'm here, actually here, with my sister, tracy Guy-Decker, and she does use a hyphen. That's true. And together we are Lightbringers where we illuminate the deeper meaning of the crime-solving devil TV show. And, yes, we're overthinking it, so much overthinking, yeah, and today we're talking about episodes 505 and 506, detective Amenadiel and Blue Balls with a Z, but just one Z, despite how Tracy just announced it. That's how Ella says it. Yes, to let Lucifer know that she's not referring to yeah, yeah, you have children in the other room. You gotta be careful. Oh, um, this is actually the first time we've ever, uh, watched together, which is kind of cool. It was so fun. Yeah, so, okay.
Speaker 2:So we'll start at the beginning with detective Amenadiel, which you were saying is one of, except for the final scene. No, that's Blue Balls, no, it's Blue Balls. So Detective Amenadiel is the one that takes place mostly in a convent, the case of the week. The body was that of a nun-to-be yes, a novitiate, I think is the word Novitiate A novice, kind of Latin-y. She was about to take orders. Yeah, yeah, okay. So let's talk about this one, because I think it actually like this case in the week actually gives us a number of kind of like cosmological things that are sort of interesting. Yeah, so I do.
Speaker 2:I have to say I really appreciate chloe is saying to I believe it's a menadeal, it might be, it might be Lucifer, where she's like I just, I just want to work, I don't want to deal with anything celestial and she shows up and it's a convent. It's just like hilarious. Yeah, you know, I don't know who the director was. I remember noticing it and then I've totally forgotten it since we watched.
Speaker 2:But there were some interesting directorial choices, like when she enters the convent and the camera like springs upside down so she's walking in, like on the top of the frame, which, like I don't know, I guess Stranger Things has me thinking about, like the upside down and whatever. Well, it got me thinking about the fact that, like satanists, like the ones we saw in the first season, turn the cross upside down. Um, and even though that's not really supported by any aspect of like within this world of Lucifer, nor is it, it's not meaningful in any way as its own, like kind of theology, it's a reaction to Christianity, right, right, right, which is kind of interesting and maybe specifically for Chloe at this moment. Yeah, there's also. Well, this director had a lot of like reflections too. I feel like we looked at a lot of like of them on the piano at the end.
Speaker 2:We sort of see them double. Yeah, that's true. And then also at the very end, like it comes up to the ceiling, like he has that light fixture that's like a tree, yeah, and then it's like the reflection of that, yeah, which is actually now right side up. Yeah, we spent a lot of time with that light fixture actually. Yeah, it was important in that final scene of season four and now that I'm saying it out loud, actually reflecting is significant for this episode, right, because that is the epiphany that Amenadiel has is that he is reflecting back at people their love of God, which is why the nuns feel so drawn to him, because her religious fervor is fake, and also it explains Lucifer's appeal, because he reflects people's desire back at them. So I guess initially I was like, oh, he just likes playing with reflections, but now that I'm talking out loud, it actually does have some metaphor. Yeah, it's a nice through line, yeah, so that's kind of interesting.
Speaker 2:I will say I felt like I mean, this is one of those things where sometimes you'll do something that works for the story but doesn't work for the character, or works for the character but doesn't work for the character, or the character but doesn't work for the story. In this case, the way that chloe was kind of rude to the nuns worked for the story. That did not work for her character. Yeah, she's always professional. Yeah, um, and, and part of it is it's because it's usually lucifer is the one who's being completely unprofessional and making it about him, and they wanted to do that for the story, but it just felt odd.
Speaker 2:You know, on that same sort of vein, at the end, when Hank, when Menad, a deal reveals I'm putting air quotes around that reveals himself or exposes himself, that's the word. Uh, it's supposed to expose myself to nuts. When he exposes himself to hank and like uses the wings as a weapon, and then hank is like, get him away from me, like I, I don't think that, actually, i't know, I'm not sure that that would in fact be I mean, like in season I know we've talked about this before, but in season one, like the lifelong atheist saw the wings and then felt he couldn't live without them and they were detached from the angel. So like actually on the angel even a jackass I think would have would be like on their knees, crying like forgive me, forgive me, right, I don't know that. That felt a little. I mean it was it was more satisfying to have him, just they did well, he was terrified but also repulsed.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I'm just not sure repulsion is accurate. Well, I'm wondering if there's you know to overthink it right, because that's what, that's how we do that's what we do, uh-huh, um, I'm wondering if there is something to it depends on who the person is.
Speaker 2:So that lifelong atheist who was like um Carmen was the uh character's name. I don't know why. I remember that, um, but I, I and I'd love that actor, that character actor, but perhaps there was something within him because he did trade in religious, yeah, um, so maybe he was actually looking for the real thing in the way that, like, houdini was constantly, yes, revealing frauds because he really really wanted it to be true, leave it, yeah, um, whereas, and then this guy uh was not all religious, um, and to the point where he was horrified that his fiance would choose the life of a nun over their, their life together, um, and like, had no concept of what that could mean, where that come from. So, yeah, that that that asks, uh, us as the viewers to do a heck of a lot of heavy lifting. I could see that as being part of it, part of the cosmology, yeah, yeah, maybe, maybe.
Speaker 2:So Amenadiel's epiphany, specifically about Chloe, that Chloe is not the gift, but the fact that she can see Lucifer she does not see her own desire reflected back is the gift. It's so beautiful and I love it that it comes from a minute deal. I don't know why that. I find that exceedingly satisfying that that was that that's a minute deal's role to like, help comfort her somehow. Yeah, well, and also his ability to see, like all the noise fade away and just see the, the reality, the, the like, the beauty of the gift in a way that I mean, in some ways it's, I feel like reflects the fact that he is god's favorite, favorite son and had been god's right hand, and and he was saying like I wish I had been more curious when I fulfilled that purpose, but in some ways he didn't necessarily have to be because he figured it out, like he was close enough that he could be like, wait a minute, I think I can see how, like, what the mysterious ways are Like. If you finish that sentence, I think you were in a mysterious way. That was awesome.
Speaker 2:That's such a great line, um, and the fact that amenadiel, in addition to the gift, also the fact that he chooses that lucifer chooses to be evil, yes, yes, his understanding of that, yeah, like the fact that he, that amenadiel, gave us that as well, and even like lucifer's like that's oh, like that moment was just so lovely it's also. I like that. That also feels like how realizations can go, where, like you've got something that is just a fundamental part, belief of who you are, and then, like the moment you get it challenged, like, yeah, I can let go of that. I do want to talk about hey. You and I both were very dissatisfied with the fact that amenadiel was like I heard dad's voicing oh yeah, Hell doesn't need caretaker anymore.
Speaker 2:And when this season originally came out, I remember you and I talking about this is also the episode in which Lilith dies, and so or she dies the next one, right?
Speaker 2:No this one and um, and so we're like, oh, this would be really excellent like storytelling, if the reason why Hell no longer needs a caretaker is because all the demons, the mother of all the demons, is now there and they'll, they'll, heed her. And that's not what they did. And I understand, because there were other things that went along with that in, like season six, like we'll get to where Lucifer is offering to Maze to be the queen of hell, and things like that. That would not necessarily have been in place if Lilith were there. And then there's also the fact that Maze feels like, okay, well, lilith is gone, I can never speak to her again, which is very odd. I don't know. I don't get that Like an immortal demon, like the death of a mortal is just. It's not the end, and we know that. And I used to suggest that maybe Lilith doesn't have a soul, since Maze doesn't, but she was created at the same time as Adam. So if Adam has a soul, then why wouldn't Lilith? Yeah, unless God took it back which.
Speaker 2:I, or unless Lilith is in heaven, but that seems unlikely. Yeah, it doesn't seem like maze would think she'd be in hell, yeah, yeah. So the only thing I was thinking is that if maybe her death is kind of like how Uriel's death was Except Uriel, oh, but Uriel was killed by the sword, the flaming sword, azrael's sword, that just winks you out of existence, yeah, but you know, maybe something to do with mortality. Maybe Lilith is in heaven heaven, not because of her good behavior, but because she was crafted by God's hand. Hmm, it's like Adam doesn't belong, based on what we know in the future. In the future about Adam, yeah, and Eve doesn't either, based on what we already know. She didn't belong there, but she was crafted by God's hand. So maybe Lilith is in heaven, and that's gotta be uncomfortable. Yeah, it's like that. One person at Thanksgiving, yeah, heaven, and that's gotta be uncomfortable. Yeah, it's like that. One person at Thanksgiving, yeah, there's. Oh, also, there was a. This is well, I can save this for fluff actually. Okay, all right, save the fluff.
Speaker 2:I do want to talk about the B story of Linda and Adriana, her daughter. She gave up. Is that in the second? It's in second. Then this one. Wow, they shoved a lot into this episode, really did. And this is also when it's no longer on fox, so they don't have to like keep it to a tight 40, 43 or 44 minutes. So I think this one was like 55 minutes long.
Speaker 2:But I really appreciate the minute that maize understands what's going on. She goes out and finds her Like cause, we don't know that that's what's happening. Yeah, she's just pissed off and can't be in the same room with Linda anymore. Yeah, and so when Linda's telling her like I think about her every day, I hope she's okay, I, you know, I'm amazed that she sees things yeah, like yeah, I mean, mesa's an amazing bounty hunter, and like it's amazing because I'm thinking like all she knows is Linda's name. So Linda Martin was 17. And presumably Linda's always lived in Los Angeles, so she probably knows more about Linda's life history than we do. But still, like that's impressive because it's not a lot of information to be, able to track a baby down.
Speaker 2:It was now like in early 20s, I think. In early 20s, I think. I have to say I'm very like. I really feel when this story like the idea of having a baby at 17 and just feeling like couldn't handle it and just running away and regretting it forever and constantly thinking that that's your own way to hell because of it yeah, and then also I appreciated that Maze was your way to hell because of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then also I appreciated that Maze was like you need to tell her. And then but Linda had a very good point in the like it needs to be her decision and Maze found a way for her to be like you can open the door so that she can come to it yeah, that was lovely. That was really really nice, Especially since Maze was in the other position.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:You know so like I feel this way sometimes with my kids, in that I'm the youngest of the two of us.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:I have two kids. Always this news to you. So us, I know I have two kids. Oh, is this news to you. I think them know, so you are well aware, because you were there.
Speaker 2:you had no interest in me.
Speaker 2:Daddy was nurse, that's right, that's right.
Speaker 2:I was dressed in scrums or something anyway Anyway, and I am not a big believer in like your birth order determines your fate, but I definitely did feel there are things about my personality that I think are related to the fact that I am both your younger sister and wired to be kind of a hero worshipper, so like if I were a different person as your younger sister, I think things would be a little different.
Speaker 2:Then I have two kids, and my eldest you know that too my eldest I call my mini me, because he takes after me in so many ways except that he's my eldest. And then my youngest takes after my husband so much, except that he's the youngest, and my husband's the eldest too. So there are times where I can see where my eldest is coming from because he's so similar to me, and then at the same time I feel what my youngest is feeling. I feel what my youngest is feeling, and so I kind of saw a reflection of that in May's and Linda's discourse, because May's knew what it felt like to be the daughter who was abandoned, and Linda, who is so empathetic and loves May so much, was the one who didn't know how to relate to that, even though because she was the mother.
Speaker 2:So anyway, I just found that very interesting and I love their relationship. And amazing linda. Yeah, yeah, they're, they're awesome and amazing girlfriend goals. Yeah, for reals, I'm just imagining if I told Erica something and she came back three hours later like I found your person Bounty hunted. Actually, I would watch that movie. My friend Erica is a priest and so if she were a bounty hunter priest, that would be awesome New book idea. That would be a great book. Let's talk about Blue Balls. Let's talk about Blue Balls. That would be awesome New book idea. That would be a great book. All right, let's talk about blue balls. Let's talk about blue balls.
Speaker 2:I hate that episode, except for the last like five minutes. Last five minutes. I have like you can't wear out the tape on Netflix, but I have worn out the tape. Worn out the tape. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty sexy. Oh my God, all right, yeah, it's pretty sexy. Oh my god, alright. So in this episode, dj dies from electrocution and it was, it should have been. The actual target was Chloe's ex, whose name I've forgotten already Jed. No, he's DJ Carnal. No, jed, already Jed. No, he's DJ Carnal. No, jed, jed, jed. That's it. Yeah, so I, okay, this is basically fluff, but okay, I can see that he is handsome, like I can see that, but his tiny little button nose, it's just so small and it's just like ew, no, no, like I kind of am reminded. So another friend of mine, this is years ago. Do you remember that TV show, joe Millionaire from like the early 2000s? It was a terrible reality.
Speaker 1:TV show.
Speaker 2:Anyway, the guy on it, whose name I don't remember, was very much my type and I remember and so I watched this horrible television show because the guy was very much my type, even though he was not a good person, and the show was awful, but I watched the whole thing getting done. I remember talking to my friend Megan about it and she said when I was like oh my God, he's so handsome.
Speaker 2:She's like everything's in the right place. That's why I failed the budget. My apologies to the actor. I'm sure he's a lovely person. I'm sure it doesn't matter to you that I don't find you attractive. But, oh my God, what's wrong with your nose? It's so small. How do you breathe through it? There's not enough. So this episode is another one of those. Like you know, like Lucifer has ADHD and he's titled, he gets hyper-focused, and so this one is. He's hyper-focused on Jed and like what went wrong with Jed and Chloe and he's going to avoid that same mistake and it just doesn't work. Like, don't believe it. Like the whole thing, I don't believe it. I will say, watching it this time around, it felt like it worked better this watching it this time around, just because his feelings were so hurt when she said that yeah yeah, um, and so he immediately goes into like okay, what's going wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong yeah
Speaker 2:um, and then latching on to, because he is wearing his heart on his sleeve, latching on to, oh, okay, so I'm not being serious enough, right, because that was like because they had just gotten together and then he's like puffed up for what Chloe's going to answer, yeah, but it is still also like it felt a little. I felt a little manipulated in the way that Lucifer feels manipulated at the end, cause they I feel like the writers were like, okay, so we have to have Michael get Lucifer's phone. How are we going to do that? Oh, let's have him throw it out the window. Why is he throwing out the window? You know, like it just felt like they were working backward from needing Michael to have Lucifer's phone so that Dan would see Lucifer's devil's face.
Speaker 2:And I don't know. I just didn't quite believe it. I mean, for one thing, I don't know, I've never been to LA, but I can't imagine having a window without a screen. Like, are there bugs in LA? I don't know. I don't know either. Yeah, there's a lot of hand-waving about LA that I need to just accept. We'd have been there 20 minutes earlier if you hadn't stopped for a wardrobe change. That was a couple seasons ago.
Speaker 2:It's like, I'm sorry, what I know about LA traffic. That might be possible at 2 am 20 minutes, though how long does it take him to actually change an hour anyway? Um, let alone the traffic anyway, yeah, yeah, so that piece was like, although, on the other hand, like they have been, they, they set us up that Charlie likes funny faces, because that was his first laugh when Trixie made funny faces. Exactly, exactly, so, so good on you for that. Yeah, oh, should this be fluff, or should we talk about the wardrobe changes? It bothered you. Oh, we can talk about the wardrobe changes. Yeah, so, cause, that was, it was interesting, right, so they were wearing the same clothes, like they, they. They get to the murder scene of the rave on the beach and they're wearing one set of clothes. And he's in an overnight yeah, she says, cause she says it could be all night, and then the sun is up. He's wearing a black suit with a white shirt and she's wearing like, like a leather jacket, zip up suede jacket.
Speaker 2:I feel like it's something like blue underneath, and then they're walking together and he's wearing a brown suit. Oh no, no, not quite yet. So they get back to the station. First thing he notices their hair is different. Oh yeah, I noticed her hair was different because she had like a little bang and then she had it pulled all the way back. Same clothes, though, same clothes, and then they are going to DJ Colonel's studio.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And when they get there, they're both wearing different clothes, right, but her hair is still pulled all the way back. So I have a potential reason for it. So the hair I wear my hair back all the time and it gets. No, I don't intentionally do the bangs because, yeah, so I could see after all night or feeling gross and then like, just like, okay, just putting her hair back and pulling it all back.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because she's been up all night. So that's why her hair changed. And then they like, changed and showered, but they still arrived together. I know she doesn't have clothes at his place yet, or vice versa. And why did they put him in a brown suit? Oh my God, and you're right. And then Ella was wearing the same thing the whole time. So, and why the brown suit? It's so ugly. And then that's the suit he's wearing at the end for the like the best five minutes of television ever. Well, but at least the lighting is such. He also has the jacket off, so it it's really just like the vest and the shirt, which bothers me less. For some reason, brown's just not his color. Yeah, so I mean not that he's anything less than handsome, but Although, when he's you said, when you see him as Michael With the turtleneck, you're like, yeah, I question the costumer's choice in the brown suit, but putting him in the turtleneck as Michael, perfect, spot on, spot on, yep, yep, yeah, so, um, I also have. I've wondered a little bit, I don't know. There's the um.
Speaker 2:I always hate it in long-running TV shows where there is an ex that they introduce that has never been mentioned before. I feel like they did a reasonably good job with it because they had because of Dan Dan being like, yeah, I got good at this when I had a baby with Chloe. That was pretty awesome, but I always hate that because it's just like you introduce this and then. But I also found myself feeling like, you know, in some ways I don't know who wrote this episode, but in some ways there is this like oh yeah, this is my boyfriend from college. You never got to look at me. I'll take it after me Because, you know, one of the joys of being a writer is you get to do that. You can, you know, cast an extremely handsome but way too small nosed man as that boyfriend. As that boyfriend yeah, I don't know, I actually didn't mind it. I I know what you mean Like, when they introduce something and they're like it's always been that, like the fact that the ring that he's always worn is Willis ring, I was like you just made that up, which we're making it all up, um, this one, whatever.
Speaker 2:Because of the fact that, well, yes, and like because of the fact that it was so long ago and like she got married and divorced in between and whatever, like I bought it and also like I can't imagine my college boyfriend naming a foundation after me and me not knowing. Yeah, I mean it me not knowing. Yeah, I mean it's not called the Chloe, you know what it was his nickname for her. But still, like, I like I don't stalk him, but you know Facebook is a thing, and like at least once a decade, I'm like, oh, I wonder what he's up to, now you know. And like Google stalks, I mean now you know. And like google stocks, I mean only once a decade, don't, don't worry, she's got an alert. Just saying I would know if you had a foundation after me.
Speaker 2:Okay, we have some, some mutual acquaintances and friends. Yeah, I mean, she did go in a completely different direction because they knew each other when she was still acting Right, but you know she hasn't lost all touch with everyone Life, presumably, I don't know. I mean a couple of seasons ago, when Lucifer was like, name three people you could call to go out for a drink with and you can't name me, your child or the man you're divorcing, divorcing and she like couldn't. So true, she is. She's a bit of a workaholic, so, which is when you're addicted to workahol sorry, I'm very weird. The other thing that I appreciated in this and we were talking a little bit about this before we started recording the scene between Dan and Amenadiel, where Dan is trying to teach Amenadiel how to swaddle using a corkscrew, which I'm like that doesn't Better practice on the cat Corkscrew and a cocktail man yeah, it's interesting because of all the things that Dan thinks little of himself, he knows he's a good dad.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And does not question that at all, and I find that kind of like not refreshing. But that's Endearing. It's endearing. It's. Also we so often have the opposite in so many depictions of media where like I'm a commanding person who can do anything in the boardroom, but like, oh my god, it's a baby. What do I do? Um, and so like that's, that's kind of cool, that it's like the reversal of the trope, and it also fits kind of with the, because you know he's divorced from his wife, so so like that you can feel a little weird about that. He really, really screwed up in his job.
Speaker 2:As a cop, as a cop, yeah, and then he lost Charlotte, yeah, and Charlotte died, which you know. Obviously, like that grief is something that you know he's never really going to get, so it's it is completely understandable that he feels fully competent as a dad in a way that he doesn't feel in other parts of his life. But I also really appreciate that, especially since he's a dad of a daughter and so it's a it's like because another thing, like even guys who are like oh yeah, I know how to father my sons, but like, oh, my goodness, what about tea parties? What do I do, you know? So that was just endearing and it's also really interesting. Like we've got this mortal who's letting an angel, God's right hand, know that he'll figure it out with his parenting, and something like that, which makes sense within the you know cosmology of the show, because, uh, like then well, there's never been an angel babies yeah, um, but at the same time is also like just really fascinating.
Speaker 2:But there is something that's a human I could teach an angel yeah, also an angel and a demon, I'm excuse me, a human and a demon. I'm thinking about maze and ella in this, in this episode, where maze decides to try and emulate ella and then that there's like two moments where Ella's like why would you emulate me? I attract losers. And Maze is like, yeah, if all you think you deserve is a loser like that, then I should look to somebody else. And then Ella's saying you know, just be you and you'll find your soulmate. And Maze says you have to have a soul to have a soulmate. Be you and you'll find your soulmate. And they says you have to have a soul to have a soulmate.
Speaker 2:Like both of those moments were like ouch, yeah, for each of them in very different ways, but both from mazes mouth, actually, like the things that maze was saying, which is really interesting, cause she's not been given a whole lot of depth. I feel like so some some maze, but not a a, not a ton which I mean fits with, like she was creative to be part of an army, you know, and I. It's interesting. Like I'm not a big fan of the like. Llx, bad boys things. Yeah, they introduced it. I'm not a big fan of the like.
Speaker 1:LLX bad boys things.
Speaker 2:They introduced it late, it feels like, I mean, they have been setting it up. Remember the text of the tattooed penis? Oh, yeah, ella's like oh, you know Craig too? No, I don't know Craig and his tattooed penis. Yeah, well, and there was that, uh, that bald guy that she um, um hooked up with. Yeah, at the beginning of the season. He was the one that the suspect in um, um, mr, said I'll bitch his death. Um, it was this season, though. Um, it's part of it is like what part of my, my? My issue with it is the fact that, like, I don't think Ella would believe anyone is like bad boy, if you know what I mean, because she's just so bright and and positive and optimistic that you know, if she sees someone who's like a bad boy, she'd be like what happens you know, like you know what, what trauma is is led you down this path.
Speaker 2:Well, maybe that's, I mean, maybe that's what makes them attractive. Yes, that she thinks that. I mean subconsciously, yeah, that she can. I mean I say this as the person who grew up with um bender from breakfast club, beast from beauty and the beast, and mr rochester from jane air and like that is the height of romance. Um, so maybe there's some of that. Yeah, but sexual, yeah, it just it feels a little off for the character, yeah, and I guess maybe it's just because they do the shortcut of like oh, bad boy alert, and I'm like, is that how she would have said?
Speaker 2:it said it and like yeah, I think that's actually what you have a problem with. Yeah, not the actual like attraction, because if she had said something like oh, I bet I could help him. That would make sense to me. Yeah, I also wouldn't think she'd be like, because if she had said something like oh, I bet I could help him. That would make sense to me. Yeah, I also wouldn't think she'd be like yeah, I've been making out with this loser. Like I, just I don't. I couldn't see her saying that. Like you know, I've been helping this guy with my tongue. We both had the same reaction when we saw Pete yeah, which, because when I first saw this, but then I didn't know what was coming, I was like he is a cutie, oh my goodness. And the awkward.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the awkward child, yeah, but on rewatch it's like oh yeah, you, you stay away, I'll stay away. But I also feel like, if it is like, what trauma is there? Like her attraction to him and to Carol later on is about them having some brokenness. You know cause, and part of what was tough for her with Pete is he's hiding it really well. Yeah, well, we've been talking for almost 40 minutes, so perhaps we should transition to fluff. I love fluff. There's something that I had from earlier.
Speaker 2:When we were talking, I said I would save it for fluff well I will say during detective amenadiel, in that last scene, when they kiss at the piano, you said to me his nose is so long it hits her face before his lips too. I'm like and that's what I'm talking about it does he like it's her.
Speaker 2:I think that would make better for aiming you know, if you had your eyes closed, I guess, like what would you just be like teaching Clark, well, you can't do anything. It's so weird. I just feel like he's lipless too. It's just. I just I really wish I could remember what it was that I wanted to share with you.
Speaker 2:So there's also the scene where, uh, chloe is like like starting to freak out, like, oh gosh, what if I don't measure up? Yeah, and linda's like, well, it, it's perfect, it's not like forked or anything. And then it's always like, oh, it's not okay. She was like great, oh, my god, what. I also I loved the. Uh, the moment where uh, dan comes to help a man, a deal, and dan's like what happened? Linda just handed me the baby and ran out. What did you say to her? The same thing, you did, that it was okay, that she was completely screwed. Oh, now I hear it. I hear it now. Yeah, I am impressed that she was like okay, have the baby, I'm gonna go glitter myself up and go to a rave, because I would be like have the, I'm checking into a place with really nice sheets and I'm going to sleep for a week and you're paying for it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what I would have done. What were we talking about when I said I would save it? Was it? Was it Cherry Jean? No, I guess the fluffiest fluff of all fluff that has ever fluffed. Can we talk about the past five minutes? Yeah, there's like some gifs online Just goes and her knee kind of like flops over. Yeah, it's really hot. Yeah, oh, my goodness. Well, there's the like she's going to leave and like they don't say anything and they just like yeah, they both turn around to look at one another.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's just like, yeah, you're not leaving. That's really hot, oh my God. Well, and when he buffers his hand?
Speaker 2:and like, like, like this. Yeah, then she'd say I'm a word person, I word, therefore I. I am incapable of wording right now. That's not a verb. Anything can be a verb in english, just like anything can be a verb in English, just like anything can be an adjective in French, or no, anything can be an adjective in French. See, I word. I word well in more than one language. I really wish I could read you I'm sad that you can't remember. I'm going to cut out all this. Are you sure you're going to cut out all this? My wording is very good. Tracy can't remember her fluff.
Speaker 1:I can't remember.
Speaker 2:I'm telling her that she should, when she remembers it, record it just herself. So if you see that bonus content after this, that's what happened, because we need to know what the fluff was. I know, I mean what the fluff. We need the fluff. I don't know. I bet it was the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed. It was Fluffy McFlufferson. It was Fluffy McGee, fluffington McFluffers.
Speaker 2:It's hard getting old, it is. It's better than the alternative. Oh, yes, I definitely agree with that. But yeah, getting old, it's weird. Yeah, all right, well, I won't say yes to you next week, but I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. We probably won't be next to each other next time. No, well, our boxes, yes, our boxes. See you next time. See you next time, all right y'all. It's been over a week, but I finally remembered my fluff. When Amenadiel tells Lucifer that he heard a voice in hell that he never expected to hear in hell, and Lucifer's trying to guess who the voice is, one of the names he offers is Mr Rogers, and I just don't believe it. I do not believe it, even though I know it's your own feelings of guilt that would send you there. And, of course, mr Rogers, like all of us. I'm sure he was subject to some feelings of inadequacy and also in my mind, the man was a saint.
Speaker 2:So that was it. That was my fluff. See you next time.
Speaker 1:Our theme song is Feral Angel Waltz by Kevin MacLeod from Incompetechcom, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License. Visit the show notes for the URL. I am an artificially generated voice powered by Narrakeetcom. Lucifer is a Warner Brothers production that first aired on Fox and then Netflix. Tracy and Emily are not affiliated with Fox, netflix nor WB. If you liked this episode, subscribe to keep overthinking with them and visit the show notes for other ways to connect.